Thursday, November 10, 2011

Box-Braid Grow It Challenge & Moisture Exp!

It is time to really see maximum length. Starting now until the end of 2012 I will be keeping my hair exclusively in small box-braids. I will do the braids small enough to be cute, but big enough to remove easily. I will primarily be wet setting my hair daily while it is in the braids. I will conduct monthly moisture experiments while I am wearing the braids.

My up keep routine:

I will set my hair in the braids within the next few days.

Every fourth week I wash my hair and then the next day I will divide my hair into 6 sections. Each day I will undo the braids in one section, detangle and rebraid the hair in that section. I will repeat the process touching up one section per day until my whole head is complete and then I will wash my fresh braids.

The Experiments:
1. Water Wash Method (Rinse hair with water daily no products added)
2. Water and Oil Method (Rinse hair with water and apply oil of choice)
3.Water and Aloe Method (Rinse hair with water and spray with aloe)
4. Water+Aloe+Oil Method (Rinse hair with water, spray with aloe and apply oil)
5. Water+ Braid spray Method (Rinse hair with water, spray with braid spray)
6. Water+Aloe+Braid spray Method(Rinse hair with water, spray with aloe and braid spray)
7. Water+ Braid spray+oil (Rinse hair with water,spray with braid spray and apply oil)
8. Water+Aloe+Braid spray+Oil
9. Water + Conditioner (Rinse hair with water then apply conditioner)
10. Water+Cond+Oil
11. Water+aloe+Cond
12. Water+aloe+COnd+Oil
13.Water+Leave in lotion
14. Water+ leave in lotion+oil
15. Water+ gel and oil
16. Water +cond+gel and oil
17. Water+leave in+gel and oil

Each experiment will last one month with an exception of the gel experiment which will last one week at a time.



Prevent Shrinkage Daily with Banding!

One thing I have noticed with my hair is that I can almost never see it's true length. My hair shrinks almost up to 80% in it's afro state and even when it is braided or twisted it still shrinks to about 50-75%! This really holds me back when I am trying to rock my twisted or braided hair in styles, like up dos or pony tails. I have already discovered that my loose banded hair can be stretched in to a high pony-tail and almost into a low pony-tail. The thing is I never where my hair loose, because that requires too much maintenance. I recently decided to try an experiment where I banded my twist in about six large sections. The results were incredible! I could fit my twist easily into a half-up, half-down style. By November 2012f, I should be able to fit my stretched twist into a comfortable pony-tail if not a low pony-tail.

I have always known about stretching my loose hair, but now I know the key is to stretch my twisted and braided hair! The easiest way to stretch my braided or twisted hair is by banding. Sign me up for stock in soft fiber bands!